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Powerful is a Feeling You Wear Course

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Powerful is a Feeling You Wear Course


Activate Your Highest and Best Self Through Style After Loss

Have you recently experienced a family loss, a health challenge, a divorce or the loss of your business or career?

Has the stress of your loss caused you to lose your focus, making you feel overwhelmed, anxious...contaminating every area of your life?

Do you feel like you’re a million miles away from that successful man or woman you see yourself becoming?

Style is one of the most powerful tools for not only getting back to feeling good about yourself again after experiencing a loss.

It’s also powerful for deeply connecting to who you TRULY ARE, to your Divine purpose and for being able to help others in a really big way…in a way that is profoundly spiritual and highly transformative.

If you’re like most people, however, you find shopping for clothes frustrating and stressful.

Most of the time, you end up settling for something you barely wear or don’t even like.
Whenever you try on clothes, either from your closet or in a store, you can't help but think to yourself,

“Does this make me look too big? Too old? Too frumpy? Too sexy? Is this too much for me to wear for work? Is this too much for me as a professional business woman or man? Does this even look good on me?? Is this appropriate attire to wear for the occasion? What will ____________ (fill in the blanks) think of me if I wore this in public??

We get it. It feels vulnerable. The whole process feels so overwhelming. It makes it impossible for you to find the clothes and the self confidence you're looking for.

What if there was an easier way to create an authentic style that activates Your Greatest Potential?

  • What if you could ditch all the complicated style rules, fashion trends, or having to dress appropriately for your age or profession?
  • What if you could find clothes that are comfortable, stylish AND make you feel and look like a million bucks?
  • What if you could finally set yourself free so you can fully and unapologetically express who you came here to be — from the inside OUT?
  • What if you could forever silence all those negative voices in your head that are constantly telling you who you are and what you can and cannot wear?
  • What if you could easily create a style that fully expresses who you truly are as a Heart Centred Leader or Go To Expert?
  • What if you could stand out like your Highest and Best Self in a style that unlocks and exudes unstoppable confidence inside you?
  • What if you could attract your dream clients wherever you go, be it on Zoom, in the grocery store, in the park, or sitting in your car.
  • No pitching of products or services required!

Photo by Ante from Pexels

Here’s the thing…when you don’t express yourself, you are denying who you TRULY are.

You are denying your true authentic self. It’s heart breaking to discover this, especially when you dive deep into all the reasons WHY.

You end up playing small and hiding behind your clothes. It serves everyone or possibly no one. It definitely doesn’t serve YOU.

You are not honoring the amazing, radiant, confident woman or man you came here to be. You end up suppressing, denying, and hiding the REAL YOU from the world. The truth is, having great style is ALL about how you FEEL on the inside.

As a heart centered business woman or man, you want your style to...

  • EXPRESS your elegant or eccentric side.
  • AMPLIFY your boldness and creativity.
  • PERSONIFY how fun and playful you are.
  • EXUDE how radiant, confident and successful you are.
  • UNLOCK your unstoppable Next Level Self confidence.

You don't want to look like everyone else!

(P.S. We used to call ourselves 'The Reinvention Stylist')

The most important things to look for when it comes to creating your own authentic style are...

  • Clarity on your highest vision for your business
  • Clarity on who you want to become
  • Clarity on how that version of you DRESSES

It’s simple. It’s direct. It's transformational.

When you put all of these pieces together, you have the clarity on where you are going and who you are becoming.

Your authentic style (and your unstoppable self confidence) comes together like magic to produce the most incredible results. It's like you are putting on a Super Hero cape. You are literally clothing yourself in your dreams!

You're able to drop the negative self image about who you are and your body. Negative beliefs such as, “I’m too old to wear that. My body isn’t the right shape/size to wear that.”

You're able to shift the old patterns around who you are and what you can and cannot wear. You are able to break free of the dragons of self sabotage that are keeping you stuck in negative patterns.

You stop hiding behind many layers of pain, guilt, shame, anger and frustration, especially when it comes to how you show up.

Your True Self steps out of the shadows. You are finally free to fully embrace your unique, individual personality and express it on the outside with your unique style.

Best of all? You start seeing a different person in the mirror to change your deep rooted beliefs about your self, your self worth, your body and and ultimately, your life.

It's easy to sign up. Click the "I Want This" button to get started and Pay-What-You-Can.

One of our clients, Christina Wessendorf

“I never realized how much I had been hiding -- in every area of my life.”

Christina Wessendorf Independent Coaching Brand
Germany, Egypt & International

So here’s the bottom line.

If you want to be fully self-expressed by creating the style that activates your Best Self, your unstoppable confidence and calls in next level opportunities…

1. You don’t need to follow complicated fashion rules.
2. You don’t need to keep up with the latest fashion trends
3. You don’t need to dress appropriately for your age/your weight/your size
4. You don’t need to know what colors flatter your skin tone.

These are just a bunch of superficial style rules on what clothes/colors/styles/shapes that the fashion industry has labeled are "flattering" for your body.

It’s not transformational. It’s not life changing. And that’s not what we want for you.

No more feeling vulnerable, no more frustration and overwhelm looking for the right clothes in stores, and no more beating your body up for not looking good in your clothes.

This life changing style strategy is one that you can use again and again to step into the Next Level of your Highest and Best Self and beyond!

Photo by Jennifer Enujiugha from Pexels

The Powerful is a Feeling You Wear Course if perfect for you if:

  • You wish to be fully self-expressed, especially in your business.
  • You wish to break free of the dragons of self sabotage in your life.
  • You wish to make an impact as the confident, Heart Based Leader or Go To Expert you are.
  • You’re sick and tired of being ashamed about your body, your shape, your age or your weight.
  • You wish to know how to transform your personal style into a walking lead magnet for attracting your dream clients wherever you go.
  • You wish to show up as your true, authentic, confident, unstoppable HIghest and Best Self in your business and for your clients.

One of our clients, Katarina Archer

In this free style course, we are going to show you how to….

  • Create a wardrobe that fully expresses your inner and outer beauty and radiance.
  • Create an authentic style that is deeply aligned with your highest vision for your life and your business.
  • Build an intentional wardrobe of quality pieces that work together seamlessly for the rest of your life.
  • Magically find beautiful clothes that comfortably fit your budget, your body and your lifestyle.
  • Curate a wardrobe of unique, quality pieces that are so intentional, you absolutely love every single one of them…
  • Feel like your Highest and Best Self every time you get dressed.
  • Become more playful and have a lot more fun with your wardrobe.
  • Rapidly up level your self confidence and your impact so you nail your sales calls, or job interviews.
  • Step into your highest vision of yourself with a deep sense of purpose and style. 
  • Discover self-worth, self-love & unstoppable self-confidence…and your highest vision for your life coming true.
  • AND even sell your clothes for 3X more than you paid for!

You'll become a walking business card because your style speaks VOLUMES about you as a woman or man — even before you do!

Because there is something about the radiant energy that comes through when you fully express yourself through your style.

It’s contagious. Everyone wants to be part of it. So much so, that they will actually stop you on the street to ask what it is that you do!

You will see doors opening for you everywhere -- where there once were no doors. All because you answered the call, found your mission and put on your 'Superhero cape.'

It's easy to sign up. Click the "I Want This" button to get started and Pay-What-You-Can.


Downloadable PDF Course ‣ Life Changing Style Methods ‣ Lifetime Access

  • Releasing Your Feminine/Masculine Energy
  • Stepping into Your Highest and Best Self
  • Mapping out your Highest Vision
  • Activating Your Best Self Mindset
  • Creating Your Best Self Fashion Vision Board
  • Finding Your Super Hero Cape that Unlocks Unstoppable Confidence
  • Creating Power Outfits You Can Wear Anywhere, Any Time, Any Season
  • Organizing Your Power Outfits with Your Own Lookbook

Special Bonus Coming Soon: Private Access to Our Community

Value - Priceless!

We are excited to announce that you will soon have access to our private group where Heart Centered Speakers, Leaders, and Change-Makers like you are rapidly up leveling, making an impact and showing up as their Highest and Best Selves with style!

You'll be able to share your wins, get valuable feedback on your style and connect and network with other women and men who are on the same transformational style journey as you.

This FREE Powerful is a Feeling You Wear Course is a Total Value of Over $1500.00.

If you are able to, pay what feels like a stretch to you so that you invest the time and energy to get the full benefits of the course.

(If not that's ok, too).

Shout Outs From Our Clients Who Went From Having Low Body Confidence and Low Self Worth To Showing Up Like Their Unstoppable Highest and Best Selves...

“Before I started dressing my Highest Best Self, I didn't like my body image as I am overweight (obese). I only took pictures of my upper body and mostly just head shots. I did not want the bottom of my body to be seen. Now I'm ROCKING it and OWNING the room! I do not know if I have ever felt this confidence level before! Not only that, since doing the program, I have already lost 12 pounds!” 
~ Debra

"I had been carrying my "preppy" style from high school. I realized that my authentic style was more flowing, bright and fun. Your program enabled me to break the rules and coordinate things I would have never thought of putting together. I got big AHA's around how my past beliefs effect the way I shop for clothes. My self worth around what I deserve was keeping me from stepping into clothes that felt great on me.  As a result of this program, I felt lighter, more expressive -- like I was showing a part of my personality that was normally hidden away!"
~ Beth

“After I started dressing like my Best Self, I went from dark to light in everything in my life. It’s like I’ve just started decorating my whole world with living color. Before I was merely existing. But now my life and my wardrobe is so beautiful and rich! ” 
~ Lisa

“I am so grateful for you...This truly brought tears to my eyes. I finally found my Purpose and my Potential! You ignited a SPARK in me - thank you - I haven't felt this much excitement for my life in many years - thank you - thank you - thank you!
 ~ Patti

“I never realized how much my old clothes were telling a story about me. After dressing like my Best Self, I could literally look at my closet and see exactly where I was stuck!” 
~ Valerie

“I am now more confident about my outward appearance by choosing the clothes that reflect who I am becoming. When I started dressing like my Best Self, it is such a powerful way to embody the energy of success!" 
~ Jennifer

“Since this program, I’ve actually started to like my face! That’s BIG! There have been a few moments where I catch myself, barefaced, no makeup, and think,”You’re pretty cute!” 
~ Christina

"Your program has made me aware of my own thoughts and feelings and how I’ve literally clothed myself in old, negative patterns about myself and my body that were undermining my self confidence.”

~ Sharon

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Why this Style Course is Different

(In Fact, It's RADICALLY Different Than ANYTHING You've Experienced Before)

You Show Up With Powerful Intention

When you Dress your Highest and Best Self, you intentionally show up for your life with power, purpose, and passion. You become UNSTOPPABLE. You are literally clothing yourself in your greatest vision for your life (and embodying it) every day!

You Are Instantly Up Leveled
Dressing Your Best Self rapidly and dramatically elevates your vibe, your impact, your self confidence, AND your abundance levels! Doors to affluent clients and amazing opportunities begin to easily and effortlessly open for you all because of the WAY you are showing up!

You Attract Everywhere You Go
You show up so comfortable and confident in your own skin that you RADIATE HIGH VIBES! People come up to you and want to know what you do because you EXUDE the instant trust, credibility, and confidence of your Best Self!

It's easy to sign up. Click the "I Want This" button to get started and Pay-What-You-Can.

Photo created by drobotdean -

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Activate Your Highest and Best Self Through Style After Loss

Releasing Your Feminine or Masculine Energy
Stepping into Your Highest & Best Self
Mapping out your Divine Purpose
Activating Your Highest and Best Self Mindset
Creating Your Highest and Best Self Fashion Vision Board
Finding Your Super Hero Cape that Unlocks Unstoppable Confidence
Creating Power Outfits You Can Wear Anywhere, Any Time, Any Season
Organizing Your Power Outfits with Your Own Million Dollar Style™ Lookbook
Life Changing Style Methods ‣ Lifetime Access
A Total Value of Over $1500.00
706 KB
2 pages
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