
FREE Course: Create Your Best Life

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FREE Course: Create Your Best Life

Enjoy an Independent Income, Vibrant Health, and Travel Adventures After Loss

You’ve been working hard, trying to make something work. You’ve been applying for jobs with little or no success. Or you’ve been trying to come up with a business idea but it feels like all your efforts are going nowhere.

Countless people all around the world have lost their jobs or their businesses in the past two years and had to reinvent the way they make money.

If you are one of them, chances are, you are starting to feel like you have been sold a bill of goods about creating more wealth and abundance in your life.

We have all been programmed to believe that we will fail miserably at making money if we don't follow all the rules.

For most of our lives we adopted a mindset that creating a life we love by becoming financially independent was out of our reach. We believed that making money and enjoying higher levels of abundance is all about working hard, struggling, scrimping & saving and following rules instead of our hearts.

The truth is, you are a divine, infinite being with infinite potential for abundance.

We have ALL been MISLED to believe that enjoying more financial abundance in our lives without worry, fear or guilt is outside of our power.

When you experience a RADICAL SHIFT in your relationship with Divine Love and your finances, you will have a deep inner peace, more financial freedom and abundance, joy, fulfillment and adventure in your life - even in the midst of chaotic, turbulent times.

Photo by SOOIKEY from Pexels

About the Create Your Best Life Course:

Creating your Best Life is like going on an exciting, Divinely guided, sacred journey.

If you’ve ever embarked on a journey before and traveled to far off, exotic places, you know that if you want to successfully reach your destination, you must have these 5 key elements in place:

1.  Having the right identity.

2. Traveling light.

3. A very specific destination in mind.

4. The most amazing guide.

5. And an accurate roadmap.

When you have all five of these elements in place, you can easily reach your destination. This is the place of your dreams — a life filled with more joy, rich abundance, financial freedom, travel and adventure!

I call these powerful tools the Adventure Principle, a step by step process that will help you THRIVE and overcome every kind of financial challenge even in turbulent times.

You will experience a radical shift in your relationship with the Divine and your mindset around abundance.

You will enjoy more freedom, prosperity, joy, fulfillment and adventure than you’ve ever enjoyed in your life.

When I used The Adventure Principle in my life and death circumstances, I experienced a shift in my relationship with the the Creator of all Abundance, enabling me to overcome an incurable cancer diagnosis in less than 6 months — AND enjoy the financial wealth to travel to bucket list places all around the world.

The moment you are able to change the way you look at your challenges, that's when you change the way you experience them. Before you know it, you are on the other side -- living your Divine Purpose -- the life of your dreams.

In this Create Your Best Life Course, you will…

1. Learn the Power of a Decision

2. Experience a Mind Blowing Money Mindset Shift

  1. Know What True Abundance Is

4. Develop Your Best Life Mindset

  1. Unlock Your Heroic Self Confidence

6. Release The Blocks That Are Holding You Back

  1. Reprogram Your Mind For Living Your Divine purpose.

8. Manifest Abundance With Ease

9. Have More Fun With Your Abundance — Even If You Don’t Have Lots of it Yet

10. Create Your Best Life Daily Success Ritual That Keeps Money Flowing to You

And so much more!

Most of all, you will experience a radical shift in your relationship with Divine Love, and your mindset around abundance. You will feel DEEPLY supported in every area of your life, no matter what you are going through. 

Here is what people are saying about the course...

"Before starting Annie’s course my situation was really crappy.  I wasn’t sure of my direction for business and struggled with how to get started.  

Now, I can see with immense clarity what is my direction. I am enjoying the benefits of many wonderful things happening for me. 

One of my dreams is to visit Italy. Recently a friend who has purchased a Bed and Breakfast in Florence, Italy, has invited to come and teach and provide massages on their mini-theater stage in Florence.  The goal is to go to Florence, Italy in June 2019.  

It feels amazing and I am so grateful for Annie and her coaching technique, expertise, and friendship.  Words can never express the joy I feel every time Annie provides more insight for me!"

~ Debra 

"You ignited a SPARK in me with your course - thank you - I haven't felt this much excitement for my life in many years - thank you - thank you - thank you!"

~ Patti

“Before I took Annie’s course, I was not feeling grounded. I didn’t know which direction to take in my life. Now I have clarity and focus. She helped me push through my blocks and now I’m able to focus my attention on my big dream of writing a book. Wonderful things are opening up for new travel experiences and I’m grateful and overwhelmed with excitement!”

~ Danielle

I can’t help but mention how Annie has added to my personal growth around money! My income had reached a plateau, and I wanted more so I could have the freedom to be with my family and enjoy more travel.  I now have the tools to create a location independent income. It’s obvious that what Annie is doing to help others around money and travel is truly her life’s work. I recommend her course from the mountaintops to all who wish to add to their greatness and abundance.

~ Shannon


FREE AUDIO BOOK:  Passport To Life - How I Overcame Incurable Cancer Through the Power of Travel

This is my story about how I used The Adventure Principle, a step by step process that enabled me to turn an incurable cancer diagnosis into my passport to life and traveling the world - even though I was lacking the emotional, physical or financial means to travel at the time.

In less than 6 months I overcame that diagnosis of death. Nearly 8 years later, I remain in vibrant health to this day. Not only that, I manifested traveling to bucket list places all over the world as a digital nomad ever since that time. 

FREE MINI COURSE: How I Manifested Traveling the World

Learn the simple mindset shift I used to create an adventure out of the life and death challenges I was facing and transform them into my passport to health, wealth, and traveling the world!

FREE GUIDE: How to Live a Million Dollar Lifestyle for Next to Nothing

Discover how I lived like a Million Dollar Woman traveling to bucket list places, living in luxurious vacation rentals, and dressing in high quality, gorgeous designer clothing — for next to nothing! Literally!!!

Get Lifetime Access to Create Your Best Life Course today!

Over $700 of life changing mindset shifts, action and transformation.


If you are able to, pay what feels like a stretch to you so that you invest the time and energy to get the full benefits of the course.

(If not that's ok, too).

Here's a summary of the Audio Book:

"To onlookers, Author Annie Pool had been living an idyllic, affluent life: two beautiful kids, a happy marriage and a beautiful house on a hill. A 6 week Italy with her husband awakens her to a reality so dark, she can't give a voice to express it.

Ending her 24 year marriage, Annie bravely risks it all, embarking on a 6-month long adventure to follow her heart, first to Italy and then to Ireland. For the first time in her life she feels free - like she can accomplish anything! Her trip unfolds in the most unforgettable ways.

Returning home, her dreams for a better life seemed so close that she could almost taste them. Until the day all hopes for her bright future are completely obliterated. That's when her oncologist speaks four frightening words to her: “You have incurable cancer.”

In this time of great upheaval, Annie clings to one thought: If she can change her experience of cancer, maybe she can take back her health, as well as her dreams!

This revolutionary idea propels her in a new direction — to figure out how to use her past life-changing travels to Italy and Ireland to tame the wild monster of cancer -- even if she doesn't have the finances, or the physical or emotional health to travel while recovering from cancer.

Get a sneak peek of the book by watching the trailer:


(This photo of me was taken by my son in 2014 shortly after I recovered)

Here is what people are saying about Passport To Life...

"Annie's story of overcoming incurable cancer simply by learning how to harness the power of her mind is nothing short of inspirational!  Her story has helped remind me that I too have an inherent ability to take control of my health, and it all starts with the intentional act of creating a happy mental environment, to bring about a healthy state of mind and body."

~ MJ Sacco

"Annie's opening YANKS you by the collar and you go! wow, so engaging, well-written! I'm dying to know where this is going!”

~ Lee Gaitan, Best Selling Author of 'My Pineapples Went to Houston'

"Annie, one of the bravest woman I've had the pleasure of watching. 

~ Una Heaton, The Frank McCourt Museum - Limerick, Ireland

“This powerful book brings hope and inspiration to all those who are challenged with a cancer diagnosis and gives the reader tools to believe they, too, can overcome the impossible.” 

~ Debbi Dachinger, Award-winning, syndicated radio personality, international bestselling author, media coach, red carpet correspondent

"I thoroughly enjoyed "Passport to Life" as it took me from salsa nights in Tuscany to a moonlit graveyard on the Irish countryside.

Equally passionate and poetic, "Passport to Life" is a must read!”

~ Zsuzsa Novak, Starpower Strategist

"I COULDN'T STOP READING THIS BOOK!!! I eagerly await what happens next in each chapter. "

~ Tamara J. Green, LCSW, Loving Relationship Expert

"A must-read book for cancer patients and adventurers alike. Vulnerable and compelling, 'Passport to Life' takes you on an inspiring journey to follow your heart on one great big adventure to achieve the impossible, no matter what obstacles you are facing."

~ Teresa de GroisBois, #1 International Bestselling author of Mass Influence, 4X best selling author, international speaker and founder of the Evolutionary Business Council.

"An important book for everyone, not just cancer patients. 'Passport to Life' takes you along on Annie's inspiring journey to health again, wrapped in her message of possibility, motivation, and encouragement to follow your heart on your own grand adventure, and to achieve your 'impossible goal' no matter the obstacles you face.”  

 ~ Sharon Sayler, MBA, PCC, author of 7 books and host of the popular podcast The Autoimmune Hour on LifeInterruptedRadio.com

"'Passport to Life' brings hope and inspiration to all those who are challenged with a cancer diagnosis, while also providing the tools to overcome the impossible, regardless of where you're at in your healing journey."

~ Natalie Ledwell, Co-Founder of Mind Movies, host of The inspiration show & WakeUp!

(This photo of me was taken on my travels in La Jolla, California in 2019)

I want this!

Create an Independent Income, Vibrant Health, and Travel Adventures After Loss

Manifest Your Best Life Course
$188 (Regular Price $555)
PLUS FREE Audio Book: "Passport To Life - How I Overcame Incurable Cancer Through the Power of Travel"
FREE (Regular Price $50)
PLUS FREE MINI COURSE: How I Manifested Traveling the World
FREE (Regular Price $50)
PLUS FREE GUIDE: How to Live a Million Dollar Lifestyle for Next to Nothing
FREE (Regular Price ($500)
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